Temenos Effect Gatherings
Inviting Wounded Healers and Change Agents

Upcoming STIA+Temenos 2021

One's philosophy is not best communicated in words; it is imparted in the choices one makes and the choices we make are our definitive responsibility. STIA+Temenos 2021 Virtual is an ultimate place to meet and trade thoughts with many other change pioneers and mentors. It's not just U.S. or India, People from way across the globe are coming to become a part of this eye-opening notion.

A really thrilled interview session of the bestselling co-author Jack Canfield with Temenos Founder, Siraj Sirajuddin on his upcoming book “Temenos Effect”. Follow the video to know more about his life-long experience and analysis on Success, Co-creation, Vulnerability and Authenticity in organizations.

The Personal Stories of our Participants at Boston who say: “I came to this Temenos Gatherings to know …..” Take your time to listen and Look forward to have this amazing experience.

STIA+Temenos Boston 2016

All you want to know about The Temenos Effect

In Temenos, we believe Archetypes are the content of collective unconscious. They manifest as “Influence” and encounter our lives with Dreams, Vision and Transformation. Here our Speakers are talking how the Change agents recognize and play different roles of Archetypes in their lives.

Please follow the below links to know all you want to know about The Temenos Effect

Know About The Temenos Effect

Dive deep into The Temenos Effect

Read our books (downloadable pdf)

The Soulmate

The Poetry Book of Temenos


Drawings from the Heart

The Temenos Influence Maps of Susan Gibson


Introduction to Influence Maps

Visualizing the Stories of Our Changed Agents



A Reliable Vehicle for Organizational Transformation