
Enterprise and Leadership Transformation

Dealing with the inevitable changes in an organization typically involves some new ways of working. Every single business owner wants to have something that will reward them with a grand victory in the zero-sum game of business.

It’s fanciful to see the new generation putting energy on new revolutionary changes, but they overestimate to manage and control the negative impacts of change. They are also underestimating the whole of amount time needed to produce the effect of Time, Energy & Money.

We need people who can bring the collaborative effect of these three sources. Unfortunately, this collaborated energy has NOT been mastered by the young change agents yet. The truth is most of the industrial plans go blunder because of this unawareness.

On the other hand some fractions of the business world don’t underestimate or overestimate their control on changes—as a matter of fact they kind of estimate the effect properly.

Almost every enterprise transformation team overstates the degree to which they can control negative effects of change and underestimates the time, collaborative energy and money it would take to prepare for the change.

Siraj Sirajuddin

 ▪  Founder, Temenos
Temenos Vision Agility Model

Temenos Vision Agility Model

Every organization has its own unique personality just like people do. It’s an unit of motivations, communications, beliefs, customs, traditions and visions shared by all the members. To adapt with the changing environment, there is a need of higher levels of awareness and knowledge of organizational culture.

“Temenos Vision Agility Model” is the desired personal and collective transformation that Temenos produces in organizations. The model provides quick-fix and simple solutions to the organizations in course of the cultural change.

Temenos Vision Lab

Temenos vision Lab is one of the refined techniques, that awakens an individual’s true intuition towards life.

We believe “Your real self is hiding somewhere, look for it within, when you find yourself, you can freely be what you want to be.” In the language of Temenos, we call every relationship as “Container”. We live our lives as the actors of different containers. Each of these has needs and responsibilities. So, there is a need of deep understanding on yourself and the container you belong to.

Temenos is a technique we perform in team level to grow the awareness of shared vision of each of a container. In Temenos vision labs, we use the tool “Influence Map” to experience connection, openness and trust on a level that’s not accessible to us in daily lives. People share their influence maps with each other by five steps.

Temenos Vision Lab

Personal Mythology is a process of storytelling. This session consists of three steps; introspection, visualization and articulation of past actions. A process of recalling memories to trigger the buried awareness & realization.

Clean Slate is a session that Temenos conducts in organizations to eradicate the obstacles or the ill reasons that have been dragging down a change agent’s development.

Personal Vision, as the name suggests it is the process to develop and recognize the personal aspirations of the change agents.

Compelling Shared Vision of an organization is the true positive shared goal of the members of the organization. Temenos says an organization can have only one goal at a time or it will be the cause distractions.

Explore more about Temenos Vision Lab
Temenos Change Agents

Temenos is an authentic inspiration that endows individuals with the mental energy, which helps them to transform in a positive way. Organizations enwrap the people who take responsibility unhesitatingly.

In this modernistic era, such kind of devotedness is rare to find! So, the question is how to raise such working class crew?

Temenos believes in simple theories and techniques that would help people to grow up. Siraj Sirajuddin’s 25+ years of observation and research, “Temenos Vision Agility Model”, gives the simple synthesized effect of the Agility transformation and Enterprise transformation and creates Influential Leaders.

Temenos Vision Agility Model categorizes the change agents into three kinds: iCAT (Internal Change Agent), eCAT (Enterprise Change Agent) & xCAT (Executive Change Agent).

Containeering (Temenos Change Agentry)

“Temenos Change Agentry” in other words “Containeering”, is the process that gives the required stance, skills, practice and tools for the change agent transformation. In this process, our facilitators teach the change agents or leaders about the utmost behaviors, duties, and responsibilities as they should possess.

Temenos Change Agentry

Our Skills

A real change agent is someone who recognizes his revered skills. There is a saying “You can use any weapon as long as you know how to use it with skill.” If you are a well-founded changemaker, then you should be endowed with strong skills.

We develop the necessary skills (i.e. introspection, visualisation, listening, observing ... etc) in change agents to lead any kind of diversities.

Our Stance

  • We train the change agents to develop the stance of humility towards the transforming enterprise, with transforming participants and other transforming change agents.
  • Our methods of change introduce the stance of Supplication among the change agents.
  • We empower the stance of Approaching the enterprise transformation among the leaders.

Our Practice

As discussed before, Temenos believes that practice of the vision (It is both about personal vision and the shared vision of the organization) can influence or guide the change agents to face any organizational challenge.

Temenos introduces some practices to fulfill that purpose:

  • Deeper understanding and practice of Personal vision, Clean Slate, Compelling Shared Vision
  • Temenos vision lab for iCATs, xCATs & eCATs
  • Deeper understanding on the culture of your system and the necessary changes that your system needs
  • Discernment feedback
  • Interview Temenos
  • Awareness on Risk-reward metrics

Our Tool

Temenos uses some specially researched tools that we use for our participants so that they can have a baggage free fresh start towards the new change.

Temenos Influence Map

Influence Map

Temenos Vision Agility Model

Temenos Vision Agility Model for Enterprise Transformation

Temenos Rick Reward Metrics

Temenos Risk-Reward Change Matrix

We perform this session with a motto to let people learn things they didn’t think they could learn before, and so in a sense it increases the potential of a person.

Approaching the Transforming Enterprise

Our approach combines both the techniques to give a successful Temenos Agility transformation. The plus effect enthralls the three types of change agents with right skills, tools, practices to make their stance strong in the period of organizational changes. Our labs give a clear personal vision development and shared vision development in order to create a strong working. Last but not the least the Agile approach shows the way to a tremendous transformation.

Temenos Approaching the Transforming Enterprise

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