Approaching the Transforming Enterprise [Webinar]

We had a lot of learning while presenting the webinar on “Approaching the Transforming Enterprise”.

This time we had an amazing guest presenter - Arvind Rathore (VP and regional COO)We are happy to share this webinar recording with you. This is important to us and the best way we know how to share this with the community is in the narrative form.

The key points we presented are available to watch on this webinar recording:

1.  Transforming Enterprises are “eating” agile values and practices!
2.  We observe three types of Enterprise Change Agents emerge - Executive, Internal and External Change Agents.
3.  We call their style of Change Agentry as ContaineeringTM.
4.  ContaineeringTM has four aspects - Stance, Tools, Skills and Practices.
5.  Today we spoke about ContaineeringTM practices - Personal Vision, Shared Vision & Clean Slate.

I hope you enjoy the webinar recording and please do share your comments and thoughts with us at

If you want to engage with us face to face - we are also presenting this topic at the Scrum Gathering Bengaluru India 2016 (#SGBLR) on Monday June 27th at 4pm. (we are the Title Sponsors at SGBLR)

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