Published on: Aug 9, 2021
Agile and Scaled Agile Framework® are buzzwords often associated with digital or organizational transformation. But beyond trendiness, how does knowledge of such methodologies enhance your professional merit? And why are more change agents desirable in the Agile arena?
Change agents from different disciplines
There are certain tell-tale signs that show an organization is veering away from Agile principles. These signs could also mean they never embraced those principles in the first place. But the curious fact is it’s not only at an organizational level that the signs manifest. They can happen across departments within a company.
Agile processes are typically and erroneously considered exclusively to be related with the digital domain. But the truth is that departments that aren’t digital-first could also benefit from strong Agile practices.
Change agents from varied backgrounds stand to benefit from entering the SAFe Agile space
This calls for change agents from multiple disciplines and with different professional backdrops. There is no restraint on the type of change agents who would benefit from being able to help implement SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) Agile methodologies.
In fact, the more varied their backgrounds, the easier it is for organizations to attain the desired transformation. These change agents could effortlessly bridge the divide between departments with differing functionalities, making business agility more than a mere pipedream.
Adapting to continual changes
The idea of Agile is predicated on the premise that companies would need to contend with unforeseen changes from time to time. These changes could be external - a paradigm shift in the industry which affects how the company functions, or a new policy introduced by the government that calls for change in how the firm behaves. Internal causes could also result in unforeseen operational changes- like a higher than usual attrition rate. It could be something completely left-field, like the present pandemic we all are grappling with.
Every change is a portal you enter with confidence
With Agile, you are essentially breaking down a large program into smaller pieces or iterations- each designed to provide a solution to an immediate problem. This way, even when unforeseen changes happen, by making minor adjustments in individual iterations, you can adapt to those changes: much easier than redirecting the project as a whole in a new direction. Think of it as trying to maneuver a truck carrying a hundred loads around a steep curve, as opposed to 5 trucks carrying 20 loads each. The latter would be comparatively easier. And that is a simple yet accurate picture of a functional agile business.
What’s to note here is the inevitability of changes. Regardless of the industry or the role you play in it, changes in one form or the other are to be expected. This makes the ability to implement SAFe Agile a near-perennial skill. Even if methodologies are added to it in the future, the core idea- of responding well in periods of great changes will always be of use.
By being a change agent in the SAFe Agile field, you learn a skill that’s made not just for the present moment but also the future. Even more change agents should then enter the fray to enable business agility, as they stand to benefit in the long run.
Temenos Change Agents:
Temenos+Agility has trained 5000+ professionals, equipping them with the necessary skills to implement SAFe Agile practices to enable organizational transformation. The mode of teaching is far from the lecture-oriented process in which the participants are reduced to being passive listeners. Interaction is as central to our mode of teaching as knowledge transfer.
We have some of the most experienced coaches in business working with us. They help mold a new generation of change agents to spearhead transformations in organizations. Their end goals are to facilitate nimble operations, lessen turnaround times in project delivery and usher in progressive work cultures.
The choice of being a SAFe Agile change agent is one that frees you to grow
Temenos+Agility SPC classes
Our Implementing SAFe with SPC5 Certification classes would help you advance in your career with knowledge-updates and by gaining insights into relevant best practices. Equally important is learning together with a community of like-minded people, and networking with them to broaden your business horizons. We conduct multiple classes every month and you can attend them in the comfort of your home, online. There is a huge difference between a business and an agile business. By attending these classes, you could be what makes that difference.
Adopting SAFe Clinics:
Our Adopting SAFe Clinic webinars are yet another way to enrich yourself with knowledge that would help adopt SAFe efficiently in your organization. These webinars are hosted by some of the biggest names in the training ecosystem, including Siraj Sirajuddin, the Co-Founder of Temenos+Agility. The webinars are thoroughly informative and always career-enhancing.
So, take a profound leap in your career journey by signing up for a course/webinar of your choice. You can find details of upcoming webinars and classes on our website.
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