When Leading Scaling Agility initiatives you often find yourself in dual organizations. John Kotter calls this a Dual Operating Structure. I would like to share my observations (via my earlier newsletters) about Management of Self and Others in Roles in these Dual Operating Systems:
- Management of Self in Role
- Management of Others in Roles
- Managing Your Manager in their Role
- Management of Business Stakeholders in their Roles
One takeaway is to be aware of your role in the Leading Scaling Agility Operating System (OS2) vis-a-vis your role in the Hierarchy Operating System (OS1). How do you interact with others -subordinates, peers, managers, executives and business stakeholders? How are you perceived by them?
You are aware of these challenges & we can help your executives and leaders lead your scaling agility challenges!
For more personal stories and a confidential conversation, please get in touch with me via DM or email at siraj@visiontemenos.com