Personal Visions + Coaching by Siraj

Siraj / Jan 3, 2019



Hi there!

Maybe you are like me or this horse. He and I are "dreaming about what makes us happy". And we are going to get to our us ... we will.

And maybe, just maybe you want a coach. Someone who loves to listen to your dreams as much as you do and can enable you to get to your dreams.

Email me siraj (at) visiontemenos dot com

I may not be able to make you a rainbow unicorn yet. But trust me... we will get to your dreams!

Here's to your dreams and those of all our children!

(PS. Yes, this is another masterpiece by my daughter Amaani. This is part of her dream!)

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Topics: Temenos Gatherings, TemenosVisionLab, Servant Leadership

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