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Your Goal Setting Strategy for 2017

Written by Ipsita Priyadarshini | Jan 12, 2017

There have been numerous occasions like this one here when I struggle to find the right words to convey my thoughts. It’s not like I don't know what I want to express rather, I want my message to be crystal-clear.

To understand my thoughts more, look at the below discussions one at a time.

Development is, in a word, a journey. A journey into what will surely be the future of the person. As we are now extremely solicitous on who is the number one or who produces the result first -- time to time we forget about the preparations that are needed. Without planning and preparing, we just repeatedly do what countless others have done before. And obviously, this never entails anything exceptional.

In a nutshell,

When our brains are just too much intertwined with the short-lived solutions and goals, we start to confuse “What’s the proper model to approach business/personal goals?”

       As per the organizational psychology (wiki), goal setting involves the cognizant procedure of establishing levels for performance execution to get desirable conclusions. If individuals or teams find that their current performance is not accomplishing the desired objectives, they typically become motivated to increase effort or change their strategy.

Simple strategies for Success to achieve all that we want

         In 2017, there are loads of things I have on my wishlist. Like I want to start my music class; I want to change my writing routine, I want to change the way I work and on and on. However, when I get to start with my day, not all the things go exactly the way I desire. I crave for the satisfactory “Aha!” moment that everyone has been talking about.

Without exception, the daily humdrum can make anyone less and less steered from their personal goals. That’s why you need to build a well-founded mindset for a strong behavioral change.

To find that new “You” -- give consideration to the thing you desire most or has a long standing wish for, find the fundamental requirements, craft it down in your memory and decide the earliest time to start-off.

Goal achievement needs a challenging outlet

       In the present universe, the rate of connectivity, sharing of information has naturally led people to a deeper communication and understanding culture, which induces acceptance of different preferences and perceptions.

How do you set the goals in your mind?

Option 1: Your goals are easy.

Option 2: Your goals are achievable but not challenging.

Option 3: Your goals are difficult and impossible.

Option 4: Your goals are not impossible, but challenging.

Individuals must find the important goals that they believe achievable -- a well-known figurative speech. But in a recent analysis, it has been proved, the greater is the challenge, the better people perform.

Is there any base purpose behind this?

You may not be a fan of obstacles or stress. But it’s not always a bad thing. Because it could be a catalyst that strives commitment and self-efficacy in people.

Retaining the Productivity by Specifying the Goals

Sweets are good but over-consumption makes the tooth rotten. In our young hoods, many of us have already experienced this.

I believe, you've figured out what I'm trying to say here!

Goals should be specific and shouldn’t overpower one’s insight. To gain productivity, explicit goals should be the milestones; decision-making foundation; and the time manager (helping you to determine where and how you manage the time) of your life.

Time to time, Reward yourself

A story being portrayed a dime a dozen has the risk of growing dull, or not worth much. But you could always spice it up with a little tinkering and tailoring. Likewise, life isn't always magical. Every so often, you get a feeling of searching the genuine happiness, in a place that never bequeathed it once.

On the contrary, you're not the only one who feels like you don't belong here or it could be better somewhere else. That's the moment when self-motivation plays a major role. It is nowhere written that you can be the person who works hard, goes through a rough time, but can’t be the one to get the rewards. Even though none has appreciated or acknowledged you at this moment, It really shouldn't matter.

Hence, reward yourself. It will cheer you up. You wouldn’t feel prejudiced. Because life is not unfair rather, it's a simple tale of perseverance, innocent ideals and believing in one's self.