Blog | Temenos+Agility

How can Agile coaches and Change agents deepen their effectiveness with the Temenos effect?

Written by Naveen Tiwari | Nov 30, 2016

While working with the bigger systems, every so often, the change agents fail to understand their own energy for transformation. That brings many unintended consequences. And these consequences make the change maneuver fails to respond even after implementing Agile.

A call to Self-discovery

Leadership is a basic part of life and we’re the creatures with many aspects of individuality. We are anxious; restless; curious -- just as lost children who haven’t met themselves yet. Something is moving inside us. Something is trying to take form. The moment we understand “Ah! This where I am. This is what I have been missing”, time slips out, without giving any understanding. That’s why the confrontation among the self and leadership is necessary. It is not a march of perfection but a trial for personal growth, vision, and values.

Temenos Vision Labs founder, Siraj Sirajuddin says,

“The transformation work the agile coaches and leaders

do in groups, teams, organizations mirrors the transformation happening

inside their heart and mind.”


The way a person supplicates and the choices made from that influence causes transformation. Each and every event teaches us how different our lives could be if we would understand our own goals, nature, sustenance, and experience. This is the power of submission. When we submit ourselves to serve a bigger transformation, we find the hopes of self-transformation.

 Personal Transformation by mastering the "self-saboteur" within us

The self-saboteur is someone who occasionally plays our substitute, sets excuses for us, restrains our “Self” from any genuine challenges. Such as, you have a vision but you fear that you may not deserve what you’re dreaming of. Finally, you fail. Because you are creating a purpose of failure and this is a self-sabotaging behavior.

A side of our own that replies “no” to everything, turns back on our true feelings and concerns. If you lack the appetite for self-emergence, you would, in the long run, fall into these subverting traps. Therefore, what the organizations need is “a collective awakening”, which starts from the person one (that could be you) and inspires others.

Temenos Co-founder, Susan Gibson acknowledges,

“In a corporate setting, a leader needs courage,

openness to show vulnerability and allowing others to come in,

at their own pace, to form a trustable environment.”


Temenos makes this possible by skills of storytelling. The stories you tell; the stories people tell about themselves; the stories about the organization creates an immense force to develop creative personalities and culture.

Join our cause at Temenos Effect Gatherings of 100 Agile coaches to understand more of our stories on personal transformation, personal vision, supplication, empathy and many more change leadership disciplines. Experience Temenos Vision Labs to gain a purposeful, effective organizational agility.

P.S. Take your time to watch the video, get introduced to the above mentioned Temenos terms and practices.