Blog | Temenos+Agility

Unleashing the potential of dreams

Written by elyn andersson | Apr 17, 2014

"People followed Martin Luther King not because of what he believed. They followed him because he had a dream." - Brian Hall, speaker.

All positive change began with a dream. How many times do we have a dream, but keep it a secret? How often do we convince ourselves that our dreams are just that: a dream. Not real. Not worthy or possible of becoming a reality. These doubts hold us back from being truly present here in the world, and using the potential we all have been given.

Here at STIA2014, the space is being opened for dreams to be spoken about, colleagues to be inspired and positive change to begin. We are seeing through presenters, case studies and thought leadership from all over the United States- and the world- how dreams unleashed catapult humanity towards a more positive future. As Liam Ream, an architect of buildings (and of dreams) described, "Once you broadcast your dream, the broadcast tower becomes a reception tower."

Dreams are contagious, and feed each other, multiplying, welling up like small the small bubbles on a boiling pot. Share your dreams, and ask for others to share in your dreams with you. The wellspring of our collective dreaming will nourish the future for us all.