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Enterprise Agility Advisory Model for wide spread of Agile Development

Written by Chaithra Rajanna | May 7, 2016

Almost all the companies starting from small to larger enterprises are using  Agile methodology  to continuously  improve their flow of product delivery and services to the customers. By using this Agile software development approach companies are achieving their goals at certain period of time and they are able to design and build their features  very quickly, test them with their customers and quickly refine and refresh in their upcoming Iterations.

But still few traditional companies are applying Agile to project level, whereas Scaled Agile talks on a Train and Value Stream level. Fewer than 20 percent of all the start-ups and low to medium level companies consider themselves as  “mature adopters,” with widespread acceptance and use of agile across business units. Meanwhile, according to our own observations, the clients we work with and the companies that are deploying agile at scale have accelerated their innovation by up to 80 percent According to their Industry standards.

How Temenos+Agility Enables Enterprises to overcome their operating and organizational structural barriers with Enterprise Readiness and Assessment?

Finally to deploy Agile at Scale, Enterprises must change their Operating and organizational structures. In order  to enable an organization to go on a journey of Enterprise Agility  we need to do a Quick assessment, we need to understand where the organization is, where the Leaders , what kind of portfolio they have write now, what the value steam within this portfolio, what's the current level of their DevOps, How are their Product managers and product Directors are working together, what's the state of their backlog for product development, do they have  Retrospective and Inspect and Adapt kind of an Organization, do they have innovation and work for innovation in their Organizations, what's the scale of team practices in terms of Agile Values and Principles and Technical Practices. 

Enterprise Agility Advisory Model Diagram

we do all these very quickly and come back to the organization with an assessment saying that we have done a quick survey of organization and we find that the organization has solid scores and assessment in these aspects, here where you are average in the industry and here where you need coaching and other things, after doing  this assessment we tell the organization if it's ready for enterprise agility, if not then we are going to help them in this whole assessment.

We then  come back with not just the assessment but also with some kind of diagnosis of what we think, and the possible symptoms in the organization. We Then identify what does it mean to move forward very quickly. We also provide quick update on strategy and what kind of tools and techniques the organization can accept to pick up the low hanging tools. Our main attention  will be on Change Agent and these are basically our prime strategy to enable an organization to go Agile, which is not rely on external people, but to  rely on internal employees and executives  for their change. Then we layout all these aspects into a roadmap for 3 to 4 years they are basically into a continuous improvement from an organizational change point of view. So, with such kind of Enterprise readiness assessment we are watching out to tell the company that there are few frameworks that you can use for Enterprise Agility.

Another thing we do is that we look that who is the available talent inside the Organization to continue transformation after we provide the Readiness Assessment and basically what we want to do is to tell the organization that based on the quick survey we found that you have these many people in your teams and Divisions to take care of the Transformation and we call these as your Internal Change Agents (iCATs).And you have these key executives who we think that are going to be goodatExecutiveTransformation and these are the executive Transformation Agents that we pick up and we call them as xCATs.

How to provide Portfolio Value Stream Assessment,  strategy and Roadmap?

What we find is most of the organizations that we have work with they are structured by hierarchy or geography or some kind of strategic Business unit and not necessarily organized by Value stream, But we know that for an  Enterprise to be truly Agile there has to be very little bottleneck or what is called as waste in the system and in the value stream flow from start to finish or what is called as concept to cash, and we find that this is very very challenging for organizations. So what we do is we map the organizations and we take care of the organizational requirements for bottleneck and we try to find out how we can help them in terms of more clarity by  identifying visible wastes that are in the system and how they can move forward with the least amount of obstacles in the system.

DevOps with the Enterprise Agility Advisory

In DevOps we are interested in is to see what kind of a pipeline the organization has for production and frequently we find that many Departments, divisions, techniques, and developers and Operations  teams should come together with lot of code to be deployed in the organization and in order to do this work the whole dEVOPS platform or in some cases this is  called as shift left  approach needs to be increased. And we know many Enterprise that want to adopt Agility do not have this Facility, so we offer the specific advice around their current state of DevOps platforms. We provide what would be their strategy to their ideal state, what would be their Cost Of Readiness, Benefits of their ROI and what could be their Roadmap.


“Companies that are finding small-scale success with agile development practices may be reluctant to mess with a good thing, figuring it best to avoid the risks that widespread adoption may be a good practice”. One of the chief risks in a digital business world, however, is standing still. To keep pace with new market entrants, emerging technologies, and changing customer expectations, companies will need to find ways to extend their capabilities in agile software development to all functions and business units. They must be willing to adapt the very fabric of their organizations and give agile methodologies the space and support they need to flourish.

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